Transformation Prayer Meeting
Transformation Prayer Meeting
  • Transformation Prayer Meeting
    Wednesday, 3rd July 6:00AM - 7:30AM
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  • Events


Welcome to Lord of the Breakthrough Church

Breakthrough is a thriving, multicultural, multigenerational gathering of individuals and families collectively experiencing God together. We believe that through God's power and love, you can as many others have experience the life transforming power of God, restoring hope and God's plan and destiny in your own life.

Lord of the Breakthrough is focused on discipleship, helping individuals discover there unique calling, purpose in life.

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Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 3rd July
6:00AM - 7:30AM

Transformation Prayer Meeting

Feel free to join us via online for prayer, encouragement and connection.

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Thursday, 4th July
6:00AM - 7:30AM

Transformation Prayer Meeting

Feel free to join us via online for prayer, encouragement and connection.

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Friday, 5th July
6:00AM - 7:30AM

Transformation Prayer Meeting

Feel free to join us via online for prayer, encouragement and connection.

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Friday, 5th July
6:00PM - 7:00PM

Prayer Meeting

Feel free to join us at the church for prayer, encouragement and connection. Meeting is available via Zoom

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what's new?


Hannah Satchell Testimony

16th July 2022.


Luke Satchell Testimony

21st May 2022.


A Taste of Revival

This Sunday we had a taste of Revival breaking forth.


Communion Tamaris Howlett

2nd May 2021 Evening Service


Mandela De Fransz Testimony

Mandela De Fransz Testimony 21st March 2021


Transformation Testimonies

God can miraculously transform and change any circumstance and situation, when we allow him to come into our hearts and heal us.


Olivia Thambidurai Testimony

Filmed 21st March 2021


Transformation Testimonies

This short video from a number of young people in our church shows how God is transforming lives today.